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0 1118

Liese Dodd

A 22 year old pregnant mum-to-be was brutally murdered in her own home and decapitated. Heartbreakingly, it was her own mother that discovered her lifeless body.

0 1696

Splatter Chatter – Welcome Home Cleo!!

In today’s Splatter chatter I discuss the awesome news that Cleo Smith has been found and a case of revenge between John Eisenman, Aaron Sorenson. Join in on the discussion…

0 2542

Ted Bundy **Quickie Reads**

Ted Bundy is an infamous American serial killer / necrophile, who was ultimately found guilty of raping and murdering multiple women and children in the 1970’s.

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Jeffrey Dahmer

Jeffrey Dahmer was an infamous serial killer, self confessed necrophile and cannibal. He preyed on men who he would drug, rape, and strangle, before dissecting their remains.

0 1984

Sabina Nessa

A young primary school teacher has been found dead in a Park in London, UK. Police have arrested two suspects and are searching for a third. The investigation is ongoing.

0 1438

Worlds Dumbest Laws – Aussie Edition:

Some of the crazy, funny and downright absurd laws from around the world. This time we bring you the dumbest laws from the USA. Laws that you didn’t even know existed… until now….

0 2282

Dr Jan Falkowski

Renowned consultant psychiatrist Dr Jan Falkowski found himself in the centre of a threatening, abusive and malicious campaign, but was he really the victim he claimed to be?

0 1727

Dorothy Jane Scott

**Cold Case**
Dorothy Scott received threatening phone calls before she was abducted from a hospital carpark. 4 years later her remains were discovered in bushland.

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Dennis Nilsen

Often referred to as the ‘British Jefferey Dahmer,’ Dennis Nilsen (AKA ‘Des’) was a cold and calculating Scottish serial killer back in the late 1970’s / early 1980’s.

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Bernadette Walker

Scott Walker has been found guilty of murder, despite there being no body or murder weapon. Police believe he killed her to silence the sexual abuse claims made against him.

1 1755

Jeanne Weber

Jeanne Weber was a French Serial killer in the early 1900’s. Her preferred victims – innocent children! She was caught red handed several times but always got away with it…

1 1817

Claremont Serial Killer

The Claremont Killer: – Bradley Robert Edwards killed three young woman in Perth Australia in the mid 1990’s. He denied it but the evidence spoke for itself. and proved he was lying…

2 1872

Splatter Chatter – Intro

Splatter Chatter…. hmmm, is the title too much? Probably! But It’s perfect for my new blog category – informal discussions of all things true crime! Feel free to join the chat!

1 2305

Melissa Huckaby

Sandra Cantu, 8, was brutally murdered and disposed of in a suitcase. Detectives were shocked to discovered their main suspect was a female Sunday school teacher.

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John Emil List

John List murdered his entire family in cold blood and then went on the run, alluding authorities for 18 long years until a member of the public recognised him on the T.V!

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Crime Conspiracy Theories:

In 2012 a lone gunman shot and killed 26 children and staff in Sandy Hook Elementary School, Connecticut. Almost immediately the conspiracy theories began….

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Ed Gein

Gein killed (at least) 2 woman but also admitted to grave robbing and making clothing from his victim’s skin, which he would wear in remembrance of his dead mother…

1 1637

Mary Ann Cotton

Infamously known as one of the UK’s 1st female serial killer, Mary Ann Cotton is suspected to have had over 21 victims, including her own husbands and children…

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Jack The Ripper

He terrorised London in 1888, mutilating and dissecting his victims on the street, to this day his identity remains a mystery… just who was Jack the Ripper?

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Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy is an infamous American serial killer / necrophile, he was ultimately found guilty of raping and murdering multiple women and children in the 1970’s….

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Dnepropetrovsk maniacs

The Ukranian city of Dnepropetrovsk was subjected to a string of murders, violent attacks and armed robberies, by a couple of lads the press dubbed “Maniacs”.

1 1612

Worlds Dumbest Laws – USA Edition:

Some of the crazy, funny and downright absurd laws from around the world. This time we bring you the dumbest laws from the USA. Laws that you didn’t even know existed… until now….

3 2066

Alvin Scott

Wanted by the FBI, Alvin Scott is the prime suspect in the double murder of his estranged wife and her male friend. Detectives believe it was simply a crime of passion…

0 3837

Joel Rifkin

Joel Rifkin, 61, claimed to have killed 17 women. His fluke capture occurred when police pulled him over for an unrelated incident and discovered a gruesome scene in his truck…